Summer 2013 Box Office Wrap Up!

With the Summer movie season winding down, I thought I would give my take on the most important season for film distributors.  It was a crazy year, and there were a lot of surprises.

Super heroes are still the kings of Summer:

Iron Man 3 is the unquestioned winner of the Summer taking in an amazing $1.2 Billion worldwide, and Superman finally had a hit with Man of Steel this Summer with a still pretty impressive $650 Million.  The Wolverine is going strong and making money, and it is already up to $308 Million dollars   With the three combined taking in over $2 Billion dollars, you bet the studios are busy getting more super heroes ready for a theater near you.

Families still go to the movies:

Despicable Me 2 came in number two (probably a minion poop joke in there) in the domestic summer box office with a staggering $350 Million dollars and $750 total worldwide, the Croods barely in the summer area in March taking in a healthy $530 Million world, and Monsters University taking a great $640 Million worldwide.  Proving that if you create a family movie worth watching, the family market will show up.

The ‘R’ rated comedy is not going away:

We’re the Millers ($45 Million) is starting strong, The Hangover Part III did not do as well as its predecessors but it still did $350 Million over all, and The Heat did $200 Million which is great for such a low budget movie, so if you like raunchy ‘R’ rated movies they are not going away any time soon.

The international market flexes it muscles:

The international market is proving to be the real focus now for Hollywood, with movies like Pacific Rim making less then $100 Million in North America, but over $245 Million in internation markets for $345 Million over all, and if it can get to about $380 Million we may get a sequel even though it was a “failure” in the US.  This has also been true for World War Z, while not a failure in the US its global total of over $500 Million is making Paramount very happy.  Fast & Furious 6 has made an incredible $544 Million in overseas box office alone for a crazy total of over $782 Million.

Stars don’t guarantee success anymore:

Tatum Channing and Jamie Foxx could not save White House Down ($127 Million), Bruce Willis took a bullet with Red 2 ($93 Million), Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges wish they hadn’t done R.I.P.D ($56 Million), Will Smith and son suffer together in After Earth ($240 Million), and most startlingly Johnny Depp crashed and burned with The Lone Ranger ($196 Million).  Sure Robert Downey Jr. helped Iron Man 3, and Brad Pitt added to the appeal of World War Z, but you can no longer bank on a movie due to star power alone.

Sony is going to loose a lot of money this year:

Sony had a historically bad year with the Smurfs 2 ($160 Million), Red 2, After Earth, and White House Down all loosing a lot of cash for the studio.  I hope they have good insurance, and a great accounting team to try and write off all that damage.

I hope you enjoyed this little wrap up!  It has been a crazy Summer at the movies, and I cannot wait for this Fall and Winter to see how the box office fares.

Star Trek: The Animated Series


I always thought I was supposed to dislike Star Trek: The Animated Series because it wasn’t canon and the episodes could be a little silly at times, but after watching it, I have to say that I quite like it.  Sure some of the episodes are not great, but in being animated they got to have far more extra terrestrial landscapes and characters.

The episodes range from pretty good to pretty bad, but still it was is another twenty-two episodes with the original cast and crew, so if you like Star Trek it is streaming on Netflix right now, and it is worth the bandwidth.

Five Favortie Star Wars Characters!


I have watched a lot of Star Wars movies, played a ton of Star Wars video games, and read more than a couple Star Wars books and comic books, so I thought I would give you my favorite Star Wars characters.

5: Jek Porkins

jek porkinsPorkins cracks me up every time I watch Star Wars IV: A New Hope.  All my life I have wondered how desperate the Rebel Alliance must have been to recruit this guy, but like all things Star Wars the expanded universe has given him tons of back story so he doesn’t seem like a the fat incompetent idiot he is.  I mean even his name is a joke, but that is why I love him.  It is the sort of thing that only Star Wars would try and get away with.  Stay on target Porkins, stay on target.


4: Darth Vader

Darth-VaderIt quite is fashionable now to bad mouth George Lukas, but when he created Darth Vader it was a moment of pure genius.  I don’t think there is a more iconic super villain in all of fiction.  The Joker may get close, but he is no cyborg mage with a laser sword that can choke you from across the room with his mind.

3: Han Solo

Han-SoloSpeaking of genius creations, has there ever been a character that oozed cool like Han Solo?  The more of a jerk he was, the more lovable he became.  Being a Jedi is pretty sweet, but he is the character I wanted to be when I grew up.  All I need to do now is find a Wookiee that will be my friend.


2: R2D2

R2D2R2D2 is the hero of the Star Wars movies.  Delivering messages, open doors, hiding light sabers, and pretty much anything else.  Without R2D2 the Rebel Alliance would have fallen apart and the Empire would have won.  I am not sure that you can say that about any of the other characters.  This foul mouthed droid is the best character from the movies bar none.



1: HK-47

HK-47-posingHK-47 is from the video game Knights of the Old Republic, and the only character on this list not from the original trilogy, but that is because HK-47 Personal Assassination Droid is awesome! His name is stolen from another famous video game assassin, and he loves to kill meatbags.  In the game if you let him kill people he loves you, and if you don’t he hates you.  He was not the most powerful character in the game, but his lines were so well written that you needed to have him in your party just to hear the stuff that would come out of his speakers.

Dishonorable Mention: Boba Fett

boba-fettPeople love this guy for some reason, but when his big moment came did he shine?  Oh no, he gets knocked in to Sarlacc pit while wearing a jet pack by a blind Han Solo.  Maybe you should be paying attention eh buddy?  If there was ever a chumpier way to get beaten, I have not seen it.  This dude is the worst.


So there is my list with a little Boba Fett trolling thrown in.  I hope you like it, but since we are geeks, I don’t expect you to agree, and I would love to hear your list!

They Made a Sequel to Despicable Me?


Despicable Me 2 is obviously to the sequel to the 2010 movie Despicable me.  What is different this time around is that it went from a pretty large hit last time to a mega hit this time already taking in over $750 million dollars worldwide, and still going strong, but much like last time this movie is saved by the adorable yellow minions.

The film starts with a giant magnet flying over a top secret base and stealing it, so the AVL (Anti Villain League) recruits Gru (Steve Carell) to help them find out who did it since he was once a villain himself, but Gru is much more interested in keeping his oldest daughter away from boys, and the minions just do a bunch of wacky stuff.

The problem with this movie is that they totally waste what made Gru somewhat interesting and that was being super villain and coming up with crazy schemes.  Don’t get me wrong he is a sweet dad, but it is just not as interesting as him trying to steal the Moon.  They could have at least let him create a crazy plan to counter the evil villain’s crazy plan, but at least minions are as funny as ever.

The special effects are as good as you would expect for a current day 3D animated film, but at this point if they weren’t it would be very disappointing.

The actors all know their roles, but there were not really any standout performances.  Just Steve Carell with a crazy accent and bunch of people getting paid, and with the success of this film they will probably get paid a whole lot more for next time.

If you liked the yellow minions than you will like this movie.  If you like the rest of the characters than you probably will be disappointed because they do not do a whole lot.  It is no wonder the minions are getting their own spinoff, and I am sure it will make oodles of money.

I Hang Out with the Gangster Squad!


Gangster Squad is an early 2013 movie and fictional account of the ‘Gangster Squad’ that went after Mickey Cohen in the late 40s and early 50s.  It was directed by Ruben Fleischer.  It is probably most famous for being delayed and reedited after the Aurora Colorado shooting.  It is a good action movie, but people expecting more than that will be disappointed.

The movie starts with John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) busting up a forced prostitution ring, but since it is Cohen’s (Sean Penn) turf he gets a slap on the wrist instead of a slap on the back.  Chief Bill Parker (Nick Nolte) finds out about it and decides that he is just the man he needs to build a squad of men to start a war with Mickey.  The men he picks out are: Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling) as the playboy, Coleman Harris (Anthony Mackie) as the knife expert, Conwell Keeler (Giovanni Ribisi) as the smart one, Max Kennard (Robert Patrick) as the old gunslinger, and Navidad Ramirez (Michael Peña) as the kid that tags along with Kennard.  So they leave their badges at home and go to war with the mob.

There is nothing more to this movie than that it is simply and war/gangster movie staring a bunch of good looking guys shooting at each other in a beautifully stylized 1950s LA.  The characters never really grow past their introduction.  The movie is simply that Mickey Cohen is bad, so we are going to bust up his operation and kill a bunch of gangsters in the process, but it does that really well.

Considering all the Oscar level talent in this movie some may have been expecting more out of this movie, like an examination of a post war violent LA, or to go deeper in to whether all the violence was worth it, but that does not happen.  Fleischer just shows us a bunch of really well choreographed gunfights, and they are stunning.

The actors all seem to be having fun in their sharp tailored suits, and shooting each other with tommy guns while playing out their war movie caricatures, and they play their parts well.  Sean Penn especially got in to Mickey Cohen as the excessively evil sociopath, and Emma Stone does her best glamorous damsel in distress as Grace Faraday.

Gangster Squad was a fun movie, but I know a lot of people didn’t like it because instead of a smart deconstruction of the gang violence of the 50s it was just a glorification and exploitation of it, but if you go in wanting a stylish action movie you will be happy because that is exactly what you get.