Listen To Some Pathfinder Tales!


Thanks to PAX, I was able to get my hands on a couple of the Pathfinder Tales books based off the very popular table top RPG Pathfinder.  One book I like, and one book I am struggling to get through, but it seems to be getting better.

Plague of Shadows was a fun sword and sorcery romp about a woman trying to free the man she once loved from a curse.  It hits all the right notes, action, romance, dragons, and some elves.  It doesn’t take itself super seriously, but at the same time it tells a fun story.

Called to Darkness on the other hand has been kind of a slog.  It is a about a girl trying to get revenge for the murder of her family, so she trudges along with shaman and complains a lot, and every now and than she yells “Blacklion”.  It is fine, but not especially interesting or entertaining.

These books do provide good glimpse in to the world of Pathfinder, and let you know how all the races and monster types “live” in this universe.  I am not sure that I will read a lot more of these books, but I wouldn’t turn them down if they were given to me for free again.  If you are looking for a little light fantasy read, Pathfinder Tales may suit your needs.