Well The Most Nervous Time Of Year Is Over!!


There is one time of year I am always running on high alert.  I have my phone strapped to me at all times, and that time of year is PAX Prime ticket season.  Oh man.  The tickets sell out so fast, and it is a tradition that I go.  Even in the down years it is something to see.  Well yesterday the notification came out, and my friends and I where on the ball, so sometime in September look for our hands-on wrap up PAX Prime 2015.  They say they are making several changes this year.  We will see if they are for the better or not.  If you were able to get your tickets in the fiftyish minutes they were available maybe I will see you there!  If not, watch this trailer for Netflix’s new show made by the Wachowskis.  It might make you feel better.