Shmee Is An Omeganaut!


I don’t talk about myself much here on (besides my opinions that is), even though this my blog, so I should talk about myself all the time.  I am pretty wonderful.  Anyway this is the first time I have been in anything kind of cool enough to talk about.  I will be an Omeganaut at this year’s PAX Prime!  Which means I will be playing in the PAX tournament known as the Omegathon.  Twenty (or at least I think it is twenty it usually is) of us will play games to the death (or elimination, probably elimination) for a fabulous prizes.

I have gone to PAX/PAX Prime every year since this thing started except for 2013 (I was in Hawaii, cry for me), and this is the first time I have gotten to compete, so if you are at PAX Prime this year come and cheer me on, or if you want to stay home I am sure it will be on Twitch or YouTube.  Anyways wish me luck!

Hey just for fun watch this video for Alan Tudyk’s Con-Men!

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