Telltale Batman Episode 4 Is The Episode You Have To Play To Get To Episode 5


It seems like all Telltale series have to have the ‘setup’ episode.  All they do is serve to set up events so the ending can knock them down, and Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 4 is that episode.  That is not to say there is nothing good in episode 4, there is, and I am very excited to see where all this setup leads, but it seems like it could have all been handled with a cutscene.

Though I will say their version of The Joker is very interesting, and the choices that you have to make in this episode are much less clear.  Which was proved at the end when I got to compare my decisions to everyone else’s because they were all pretty much 50/50.  Other than that though, Batman was spinning his wheels and ignoring pretty obvious clues and character motivations.

Despite Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 4’s flaws, I still enjoyed myself, and it is still one of the best Batman Year 2 stories ever made.  If you are on the fence about Batman: The Telltale Series, you shouldn’t be.  It is a great story that is a lot of fun to play through.  I just hope everything pays off well in Episode 5.

The New Wonder Woman Trailer Is Here!

We keep waiting for the first truly good DCEU movie, and looks like Wonder Woman may be it!  It looks great.  Though Warner Brothers is pretty good at making epic trailers.  Still I can’t wait to see Diana engage in some fisticuffs!

Things Get Real In Batman The Telltale Series Episode 3!


Batman: The Telltale Series is one of the best Batman year two stories ever told.  A young Bruce Wayne struggling with his past, and trying to get a handle on being Batman and Bruce.  In the first two episodes you had no real idea about the consequences of your decisions, but things are starting to take shape in Episode Three, and for me they are not good.  Good story-wise, but bad for The Bat.

I would love to just sit here and write down all the great stuff in Episode Three, but that would spoil it for you, and I don’t want to do that.  What I want to do is tell you that if you like Batman, you should be playing this game.  It is out on just about every platform known to man, so there is no excuse not to be playing it.  I cannot wait to see if I can fix the problems I have created for myself in the first few episodes.

Shmee Takes A Trip With Lego Batman 3 Goes Beyond Gotham!


Do you like Batman?  Do you like the same Lego game that Traveller’s Tales has been making for years?  Then you will like Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.  Since this is like the 9 Millionth Lego game they have created it makes the game kind of hard to review.  You play as Lego mini-figs, you beat stuff up and collect studs, and then you finish the game.  Then you play through the game again with all your new characters and cheats to unlock everything.

There are a few things that are different, for better or worse.  For instance several characters have several different outfits, so you will need to change them constantly, and you don’t unlock the hub world (The Watchtower) until half way through the game.  Other than that what makes this game unique is the sheer amount of DC content.

Pretty much every DC hero and villain is in the game, and it is a lot of fun to use their abilities while collecting them all.  Really that is what the Lego games are all about.  Collecting your favorite characters, and Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is a massive success in that regard.

If you are looking for a cheap and fun diversion Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is worth your time and money.  If you are kind of done with the Lego games, this game is no different, and it will not change your mind.  I love DC, and I love Lego, so I am having a great time.