TK-436 Puts The War Back In Star Wars!

Star Wars fan films continue to be amazing, but TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story has got to be among the best.  This short flick manages to take the Star Wars Universe in a somber direction I didn’t think was possible.  Great job!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Is In Trouble?


Apparently, according to Page 6, Disney Execs are in a panic because Rogue One: A Star Wars Story isn’t testing well, and the movie is undergoing extensive reshoots.  Disney of course is saying that reshoots are part of any major blockbuster, and they just want to make the film as good as possible, but with only about six months left until the movie comes out that doesn’t leave a lot of time for shooting, editing and added special effects.

Granted Disney is a on a bit a hot streak with their flicks, so I am inclined to cut them a little slack, and saying a movie is in trouble will get your site more hits than saying everything is just peachy-keen, but Disney is cutting it close, so hopefully these reshoots are tweaks and not entirely new scenes.  I guess we only have to wait a few months to find out how things will turn out, but I have my fingers crossed because that first trailer was pretty great!

Han Solo Is Dead! Long Live Han Solo! The New Han Solo Has Been Cast!


Looks like the casting of the new young Han Solo has been completed, and it is Alden Ehrenreich.  Apparently Disney filed through just about every actor between 20 and 30 to find their man.  Looking through his credits the only thing I have seen him in was Supernatural ten years ago…oh and Beautiful Creatures…, meaning he would have been just 15 or 16 for Supernatural and everyone phoned it in for Beautiful Creatures, so it is safe to say I have no opinion about him either way.  He will just need to grow his hair out a bit.

Despite my lack of knowledge of him he has been on the upswing with movies like Stoker, Blue Jasmin, and Hail Caesar!  And young barely known yet talented indie actors are a Star Wars casting staple.  According to rumors we may catch a glimpse of him in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  I am guessing if we do he will be in some seedy bar with our favorite Wookiee friend.

I am not a huge fan of prequel origin stories, but I do wish him the best, and I hope he does Han Solo proud come May 2018.